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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam.

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Cras pellentesque ornare ligula eu interdum. Ut sodales turpis maximus, ornare tellus in, sodales purus.

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Cras pellentesque ornare ligula eu interdum. Ut sodales turpis maximus, ornare tellus in, sodales purus.

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Cras pellentesque ornare ligula eu interdum. Ut sodales turpis maximus, ornare tellus in, sodales purus.

A Sub Title

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Let Us Save Your Trees From Beetles
Bark Beetle Tree Removal

Bark beetles and drought are creating havoc in the Mother Lode and throughout California’s forested areas. Together they are a devastating combination.

Bark beetles are small insects, generally black, hard-shelled and approximately 5 millimeters in length. Bark beetles tunnel under bark, cutting off the tree’s supply of food and water needed to survive. Bark beetles can kill a tree in as little as two to four weeks during warmer months.

If it is determined that a tree or trees on your property are infested with the bark beetle, stricken trees should be removed as soon as possible before the infestation spreads to healthy trees. A combination of pruning some trees and watering others can prevent the spread of the disease on your property. Please call Elements Tree Service today to schedule an inspection of trees on your property.

Never attempt to fall large trees on your own as it is extremely dangerous and needs to be handled by a fully licensed and insured professional such as Elements Tree Service.

removing tree killed by bark beetle